Saturday, July 7, 2007

I loves the sun!

Here I am in my favorite lawn chair (why do the people think this is so funny?) I keep this chair clear of squirrels, its a full-time job.

It's too hot today, 95 degrees or something. Not that I know what a degree is. I keep asking to go outside, and the sun feels so good on my tummy, and then my tongue starts to hang out, and they call me in again. ooh doggie is it hot.


Joe Stains said...

we have 111 of those degrees right now and it sucks!

Ruby Bleu said...

Hi Kassi...
that's a great picture of you. I love the sun too...I like to lay on my sofa (MY sofa) in the sun for hours!!! Love it, Love it, Love it!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Lorenza said...

Hi, Kassi
It is pretty evident that you love to take sunbaths! Great pictures!
Here is hot too!
Have a good night

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Kassi,
I like looking for the best sun spots too and lying on my belly!!

Balboa said...

Isn't the sun so lovely, but becareful you don't a suburn on your tummy.

I wish I had my own lawn chair.

Frenchie Snorts

Ricky Pepper said...

Hi Kassi!

What a pretty picture of your belly!

I tagged you to tell us a little more about your people! Check out my blog for details :)


Miss Reina said...

Seems like you had a good day sunbathing!
Thats some great pictures of yours!
