Monday, August 13, 2007

Ok dogbloggers, what's a weeeener-dog?

I've spent hours (ok not really hours) surfing for the definition of this strange word. It's not on wikipedia, I can tell you! But everywhere I go, people lean out of car windows, stop and point, run around me jumping up and down 'Look! its a weeeeener-dog!' You know I love the attention, but maybe I should be worried? Is 'weeeeener-dog' a good word or a bad word? My peeps aren't helping either -- they started talking about bratwurst, frankfurters, and something-schnitzel, and I got so dizzy with hunger I had to lay down.

One nice lady asked me if I was offended when my peeps eat frankfurters. "Offended? No, not offended, just hungry." I said.


Joe Stains said...

I wouldn't worry unless they start calling you a DOOFUS!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Kassi.
Don't worry. The list of names people call us is endless!! I'd add happy dogs to that list!
Have a nice day

Anonymous said...

You could always come live with me if you like - instead of weeeener dogs people here would call you a sausage dog!!!


Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

You will always be a sweet dachsie to us. Don't worry about those silly people. We hope weeeener-dog doesn't make it to Wikipedia!