Thursday, August 2, 2007

Life is so precious

Sorry to wax sombre on you guys today, but mom's a little bit shook -- she was on the 35W bridge on her way home, just like any day, last night just minutes before it collapsed. We are shocked, sad, sobered, and greiving for our fellow minnesotans. We are carrying on, but not quite the same...

Photo ©2007 Minnesota Public Radio


Ruby Bleu said...

I'm so happy your Mom is safe. Our prayers are with everyone over there!

Lots of Licks, Ruby & Michele

Balboa said...

I am so glad your mom is safe and sound at home, but those poor people and their families. They are in our thoughts and prayers.

Balboa and Karen

Lorenza said...

I am so happy to hear that you mom is ok!
We are praying for all those affected by the accident.
Take care

Joe Stains said...

we are so so so so glad your Mom is safe!!!

Anonymous said...

Your mum sure did have someone looking out for her that day. Our thoughts and prayers go to all the people and their families who weren't so lucky. Such a tragic accident :(


Ricky Pepper said...


We are so glad your mommy is safe and grieve for those who were not so lucky. Maybe your momma is meant to be here to help someone else...

Ricky, Chloe & Lucy

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

It is all so awful. We are glad your mom is safe. We wish everyone had been safe but it wasn't so.

We are some dachsies who came to visit you. We found your blog on the DWB list!

Bernard Hinault Lilje said...

Wow-- you're mom has peeps watchin over her!!! A terrible tragedy.


kfinkler said...

Wow, thanks everydog, we are very grateful for your kind words, and we're still shocked by the accident. hug your dog today, we're lucky to have each other.
- kassi