I will blog. I promise.
I will hold still for photographs, even though it is beneath me.
I will work on my humans' communication skills -- they're good at saying 'food', but not good enough at getting me food.
I will learn to bake organic doggie treats all by myself.
I will pretend I know nothing of the thing I ate from underneath the sofa.
When launching myself from said sofa, I will not use people as landing pad.
I will stop obsessing about the purse that looks like a dog.
I will not try to accidentally trip someone who is carrying food.
I will ask before sniffing someone's nether-regions.
I will remember that the house is not a toy.
I will be kinder to Tennis Ball. Even though he drives me crazy. Ooh, that Tennis Ball. And don't get me started on his big brother, Giant Tennis Ball.
I will chew.
I will take walks, give kisses, and do other things that I can't help doing.